Sunday, September 13, 2009

SimpLe Fact About Cats

1. People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better. Studies now show that the allergen in cats is related to their scent glands. Cats have scent glands on their faces and at the base of their tails. Entire male cats generate the most scent. If this secretion from the scent glands is the allergen, allergic people should tolerate spayed female cats the best. So, Do not hate your cute cats okey...

2. The cat's age in relation to a human's Cat's age: Human's age:

6 months- 10 years

8 months- 13 years

1 year- 15 years

2 years- 24 years

4 years.- 32 years

6 years- 40 years

8 years- 48 years

10 years- 56 years

12 years- 64 years

14 years- 72 years

16 years- 80 years

18 years- 88 years

20 years- 96 years

21 years- 100 years

3. If you have a cat and want to have another, it will be easiest to introduce a female kitten. An older cat that is alone, should not be bothered with another cat. Let it rest in peace. Bringing a new cat into a household is always very stressful for all the cats concerned.

4. A story is told of Muezza, the prophet Mohammed's favorite cat. One day, when Mohammed had finished his prayer and meditation, he discovered that Muezza had fallen asleep on the sleeve of his robe. Rather than disturb the cat, he cut off the sleeve so that he could be on his way. Another legend holds that the 'M' marking on the forehead of the tabby was created by the prophet as he rested his hand lightly on the brow of his favorite cat.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

From the author..

Hmmm... it's quiet a long time since i didnt write anyting here... i didnt post any story about cats, and even a photo of a cute cats.. sorry.. im kinda busy person maybe,, wif all the works that i need to do.. and all the tests that i tired.. today, i have a chance to write something here, but i take the time to change the layout of my blog..maybe im bored wif the old layout.. and the outcome is.. i got a very cute, new, fresh, blog layout.. i really love it oo.. And thanks so much to ipeetoon.. the designer of this layout.. i love it..

Having A kitty!!


Pregnancy Tickers from


Love Ya!!

Photo Albums at
Photo Tinks by

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do You Really Love your Cat?


At the store, do you pick up the cat food and kitty litter before you pick out anything for yourself?

Did you buy a video tape of fish swimming in an aquarium to entertain your cat?

Do the Christmas cards you send out feature your cat sitting on Santa's lap? Does your cat sign the card?

Do you accept dates only with those who have a cat? If so, do you eventually double-date with the cats to see how they get along?

Do you admit to non-cat owners how many cats you really have?

Do you buy more than 50 pounds of cat litter a month?

Do you climb out of bed over the headboard or footboard, so you won't disturb the sleeping cat?

Do you cook a special turkey for your cat on holidays?

Do you feed your cat tidbits from the table with your fork?

Do you give your cat presents and a stocking at Christmas? Do you spend more for your cat than you do for your spouse?

Do you have more than four opened but rejected cans of cat food in the refrigerator?

Do you have pictures of your cat in your wallet? Do you bring them out when your friends share pictures of their children?

Do you kiss your cat on the lips?

Do you microwave your cat's food? Prepare it from scratch?

Do you put off making the bed until the cat gets up?

Do you scoop out the litter box after each use? Do you wait at the box with the scoop in your hand?

Do you select your friends based on how well your cats like them?

Do you sleep in the same position all night because it annoys your cats when you move?

Do you think it's cute when your cat swings on the drapes or licks the butter?

Do you watch bad TV because the cat is sleeping on the remote?

Does your cat "insist" on a fancy Sunday breakfast consisting of an omelet made from eggs, milk, and salmon, halibut, or trout?

Does your cat eat out of cut crystal stemware because you both watched the same commercial on television?

Does your cat sit at the table (or ON the table) when you eat?

Does your cat sleep on your head? Do you like it?

Does your desire to collect cats intensify during times of stress?

When people call to talk to you on the phone, do you insist that they say a few words to your cat as well?

When someone new comes to your house, do you introduce your cat, by name, to them?

Will you stand at the open door indefinitely in the freezing rain while your cat sniffs the door, deciding whether to go out or come in?

Would you rather spend a night at home with your cat than go out on a bad day?

If you really love your cat, then for sure.. all your answer for the questions above is YES!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hehe..Emo Little Kitty..


Can you imagine your cat as fat as this???


Oh My GOD.. This is Just AMAZING
Great..and Soooo CUTE!!!!

This is European Fat Cat..Maybe too
lasagna like garfield right?

This is Chinese Fat Cat.. is this pic is real?
i just can't believe it
he is still

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Homeless (From


I just read this story a few moment ago..I just feel that it is an interesting story about a homeless cat..A sad story for sure.. I had copying it and paste it here in, my Cat's Blog.. Hope the sweet Writer didn't mind it...

A story about one out of thousands...

The cat was seven years old, but looked older. His once-glossy golden coat was now the color of dirty straw, matted, oily, and dull. One ear drooped, and he flicked it impatiently as he intently watched the field mouse going about its business in the tall, dry grass.

Truman (for that was his name in years past, when a human had cared enough to name him) crouched low, wiggled his scarred rump imperceptibly, then leapt at his prey. The mouse squeaked and disappeared into a hole in the earth. Truman growled in disgust and turned back to the dusty road that bisected the fields of dry weeds.

As he trudged along, he quickened his pace at the sounds of a motor approaching. He wasn't quick enough though.

"Cat!" a young male voice shouted, as the muscle car veered toward him. A blinding flash of pain shot through Truman's lower half, as he flew through the air, landing several feet away. Liquid spattered his dirty coat as a half-full beer can was lobbed at him. Through pain-filled eyes, Truman watched the car race away, and his thoughts travelled back to the other young man, the one who had pleaded with his father, tears streaming down his face, to let Truman come with them when they moved.

Driven by hunger, Truman dragged himself upright, and limped along the road, intent on making his way back to the food place. The white-hot sun matched the pain in his hind quarters as he doggedly moved onward.

Hours later, he approached a copse of trees thick with underlying bushes. The other cats were already there, waiting patiently: a ragged tortoiseshell herded her two remaining kits into the shelter of a brambly bush; the old gray tom glared balefully at Truman, but let him pass. Two new refugees had appeared, both gray tabby toms - possibly brothers, from the looks of them.

At first glance, the clearing would have appeared empty, to human eyes. Each cat sought out its own hiding place, respecting the personal space of the others. It hadn't always been that way. Strange cats would appear from time-to-time and the self-appointed alpha cat would battle the latest interloper until one or the other ceded, sometimes through death. Truman had uncomfortable memories of his own acceptance into the colony, following a violent engagement with a one-eyed black cat. One-eye had eventually slunk away in defeat, but not before doing considerable damage to Truman's ear, and to his pride.

Today, Truman carefully averted his eyes while cutting a wide berth around the brush where the two tabbies lay. He found an unclaimed spot in the shrubs about fifteen feet away, gave his matted fur a few swipes with his tongue, then crouched and expectantly watched the road

At length, the sound of an approaching car engine growled, then stopped abruptly. Two women alighted from their dusty car, arms full of bags of (food!) paper plates, bowls, and canteens of cool, clean water.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitties," they softly called. "Here Micha...Ran-deee...Momma Kitteee... here's dinner, darlings."

"Oh, we have new ones! Look at those two big tabby guys, Eileen. Did you see Sunny, yet?"

One by one, the cats slunk out of their hiding places and hungrily approached the plates filled with a mixture of dry and wet food. The tortie, whom the women called, "Autumn," daintily nibbled while her kittens fought to nurse her.

Truman observed from a distance, his empty stomach growling, until his hunger won over, and he limped over to a plate of food, bowed by the weight of starvation.

"Oh look -- there's Sunny! He's back!"

"Oh, he's injured. Did you see him limping? We've got to get that big boy to Dr. Evans!"

The cats continued eating while the two women busied themselves with a box hidden away in some shrubbery several yards away. Finally, satisfied with whatever they were doing, they returned to their car and sat inside, sipping coffee from paper cups and talking quietly.

A couple of hours later, Truman awoke with renewed appetite. He dragged himself to the food area and saw that the paper plates had been removed. He thirstily lapped water from the remaining bowl, when his nostrils lifted, picking up a strong, delicious scent of -- fish! The cat ignored the pain in his hip and followed the scent, gimping along on three legs. The odiferous trail led him to the back of a dark copse, where he found anchovies, a dimly remembered treat from his days with the boy. A cracking noise resounded, and Truman found himself -- trapped! He yowled in anger and frustration and threw himself against the walls of the box, until weakend and defeated, he slunk to a corner and crouched.

Soft voices comforted him, as he felt the box moving gently, then heard a door slam.

After an hour or more of jostling and bumping, Truman found himself on a shiny table in a room with soft peach-colored walls. He glared balefully at the man who was gently manuevering his back legs. One of the women held his front legs securely, while scratching between his ears, while she talked to the doctor.

"I don't know, Susie. This leg will have to be pinned, and there are no guarantees. It might be kinder to just euthanize this one. He's probably too old to be adopted and with a gimpy leg, he won't have much of a chance to defend himself out there."

"Pin the leg, Doc. There's something special about this little guy. I'm going to keep him for myself. I have a feeling about him."

As the veterinarian busied himself with a needle, Truman was startled to recognize the sound of his own purring, a long-forgotten sensation.

Truman was going home.

Friday, July 17, 2009

.....I love Them.....


I love the way they walk
I love the way they play
I love the way they sleep
I love the way they stare at me
I love the way they calling me
I love the way they recognize me
I love the way they snores around my arm
I love their smell
I love their sound
I love the way they clean their fur
I love the way they are..
I LOVE everything about CATS

Truly, Madly, Deeply..
ME.. Cat's LOVER

...GarField Time...


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today's Beautiful Quote

Walking along a beach, a mother saw her daughter picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. She asked the girl why she was doing this. the girl explained that the starfish would die if left till the morning. The mother asked "what difference will your efforts make when the are thousand of starfish on the beach" The girl stopped and look at the starfish she was holding and said, " It will make a difference to this One".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

lets Laugh with this Pic.. Hehe


Just Get This Cute pic...


so cute..
so adorable
so sweet
so funny...
and most importantly...
it can make u smile..
bring happiness to ur day...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Benarkah kucing mempunyai ingatan yang lebih baik berbanding anjing??? Read This...


semasa saya berumur dalam 6 tahun, emak saya pernah menceritakan satu kisah mengenai mantan kucing kami . Ceritanya bermula begini, keluarga kami ada memelihara seekor kucing. setelah tiba waktunya, kucing ini pun melahirkan lima ekor anak. emak saya mengatakan bahawa kucing ini tidak pandai menjaga anaknya. setelah mula dewasa, kelima-lima anak kucing ini berak merata-rata tempat.. huh, bau busuk mula terhidu di dalam rumah kami. keadaan ini amat merimaskan.. terlalu merimaskan.. walaupun emak saya sudah mengajar anak-anak kucing ini berak di tempat yang disediakan, namun mereka tetap berdegil..
akhirnya emak saya mengambil keputusan untuk membawa anak-anak kucing ini dan juga emaknya ke kedai yang terletak jauh dari rumah kami atau dalam erti kata lain, menyesatkan anak kucing ini..memang menyedihkan.. but we have to coz.. its smell was terribly so bad.. then, came the day, emak saya pun menyesatkan kucing-kucing itu. tempat itu memang jauh, kalo menggunakan kereta, mungkin mengambil masa selama setengah jam.. apa lagi kalo berjalan kaki.. huh.. memang penat..
setelah menyesatkan anak kucing itu, emak saya mula timbul sedikit penyesalan. namun nasi sudah menjadi bubur.. yang berlalu tak kan kembali (bak Tajuk Lagu lotter). tapi setelah itu, rumah kami memang bebas dari bau tahi kucing..
tetapi satu kejadian yang tidak disangka-sangka terjadi seminggu selepas emak saya menyesatkan anak-anak kucing itu.. Di satu pagi yang cerah, kami semua terkejut apabila emak dan anak-anak kucing tersebut kembali semula ke rumah kami. kelihatannya anak kucing itu mula membesar dan sangat comel..mereka mula bermanja dengan emak saya..
memang menghairankan kerana selama seminggu mereka masih boleh survive dan pulang kerumah kami.. even a dog will never do like that.. im so proud of the kitten.. sampai ke hari ini, cucu-cucu anak kucing tersebut menetap d rumah kami...generasi mereka amat comel2.. hehehe..

Friday, January 16, 2009

Menarik,penuh enigma,bijak,comel,manja dan menghiburkan. Kucing merupakan haiwan yang ternyata berlainan dalam alam haiwan.Ia seharusnya disanjung dan dikagumi sebab ia seolah diberkati kuasa luar biasa.

Sains masa kini berjaya menyingkap sesetengah misteri yang menyelubungi haiwan ini. Kajian membuktikan kucing yang kita sayangi dan hargai sebagai teman sebenarnya mendatangkan manfaat yang besar kepada manusia.

  • Kucing merupakan teman hebat dan ia kini dijadikan mod terapi,khususnya untuk warga tua dan warga cacat.

  • Kanak-kanak yang membesar bersama kucing biasanya lebih berjaya dalam kerjaya dan perhubungan mereka dewasa kelak.

  • Kajian di Amerika Syarikat mendapati bahawa 94% daripada ketua eksekutif pernah memiliki haiwan peliharaan semasa kecil dan kanak-kanak yang mempunyai haiwan peliharaan lebih memahami konsep keprihatinan,perkongsian,tanggungjawab dan kasih sayang.Mereka juga lebih berjaya menjalinkan hubungan yang mesra sebagai orang dewasa.

  • Aksi membelai kucing telah terbukti berkesan menurunkan tekanan darah.Hasil tinjauan di Australia membuktikan memiliki haiwan peliharaan sama berkesan menurunkan tekanan darah seperti mengurangkan minuman beralkohol atau mengambil kurang garam.

  • Pemilik haiwan peliharaan mempunyai tahap kolestrol darah yang lebih rendah, berbanding mereka tanpa haiwan peliharaan.

  • Pemilik haiwan peliharaan menanggung risiko penyakit jantung yang jauh lebih rendah berbanding mereka tanpa haiwan peliharaan.

  • Memiliki haiwan peliharaan dapat membantu proses pemulihan pesakit daripada serangan penyakit jantung.

  • Pemilik haiwan peliharaan kurang diserang masalah seperti batuk,selesema,sakit kepala dan sakit belakang.

  • Pemilik kucing didapati mempunyai kesihatan psikologi yang lebih baik daripada bukan pemilik kucing.Kucing memberi tuannya sokongan emosi khas dan merupakan teman yang hebat sambil menjauhkan gejala kemurungan,kecemasan dan lain-lain

A little Facts about Your PET..

Tahukah anda...bahawa binatang boleh mengenali karakter kita yang sebenarnya.. mereka boleh mengetahui adakah kita seorang yang baik ataupun jahat.. Ermmm.. Percaya atau tidak, terpulang kepada anda.. sebenarnya.. binatang mempunyai satu deria yang membolehkan mereka mengenali kita.. mereka akan mendekati atau merapati seseorang yang mereka rasakan baik dan mampu menyayangi mereka.. contohnya, sekiranya anda berjalan-jalan, tiba2 seekor kucing jalanan datang dan mendekati anda dan tiba2 mengeselkan tubuhnya pada anda, itu ertinya anda seorang yang baik.. heheheh. Anda mempunyai hati yang tulus terhadap binatang dan anda akan menyayangi mereka seperti anda menyayangi manusia.. Saya sendiri sudah Banyak kali melalui pengalaman seperti ini. ertinya saya memang menyayangi binatang.. he... Oleh itu, jika anda berjalan-jalan dan seekor kucing tiba2 mendekati anda, terima lah kenyataan bahawa anda memang seorang yang mampu menyayangi binatang.. ingat.. mereka amat istimewa...

Cat Sound... Meowwwwww.. Indicate what??

The sound a cat makes is unique and is rendered onomatopoeically as "meow" or similar variants ("miaow", "miau" etc.) in most European languages as well as Mandarin Chinese. Japanese has it as "nyaa" or "nyan"; Korean as "yaong" or "nyaong". In Arabic the sound is transcribed as "mowa'a".

Reason for the "meow" can vary. Cats can call out to indicate pain, request human attention (to be fed or played with, for example), or even as a greeting. Cats can be very vocal, yet others rarely call out. Cats are capable of as many as 100 different vocalizations, compared to about 10 for dogs.

A kitten's call first starts out as a high-pitched squeak-like sound when very young, but then deepens over time. However, some cats do not exercise their voices often, so their call may remain similar to that of a kitten through adulthood.
Pet..@ binatang peliharaan merupakan haiwan yang kita pelihara untuk menemani kita. Ia boleh menjadi sahabat kita yang paling setia dan memahami diri kita. Saya sendiri pernah memelihara 2 ekor kucing yang sangat saya sayangi.. kehadiran mereka mampu memberikan sinar dalam hidup kita.. mereka tidak pernah mengeluh dengan kita, mereka tidak pernah berkata-kata mengenai kita (kerana memang tak boleh berkata-kata kan.. heheheh) dan mereka tidak pernah bosan dengan kita. Binatang peliharaan kita ini hanya ingin bermanja dengan kita dan begitu juga dengan kita. mereka ini sebenarnya amat Cute, comel, cantik, dan Cute lah... kehadiran mereka mampu menhilangkan perasaan stress kita. cuba anda bayangkan kita bermain dengan kucing-kucing yang mempunyai bulu yang lembut, tidur dengan kucing-kucing yang comel..memang mendamaikan...

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